Sunday, March 11, 2007

Vraiment, J'aime mon Vie

The masses have spoken and i apologise for the decline in frequency in blogs.

I had realised that i was starting to complain quite frequently and didnt want to post another blog for fear of sounding quite cynical. no d oubt the situation would have been entertaining. However id like to avoid sounding like a 40 year old lesbian comedian whos always complaining about back fat or menopause. I apologise if that references is a bit abstract.

None the less, I hadf my first shower in 120 hours sunday, then spent the day in the rain. oh and if i havent called you, its because i lost my phone. None the less, life is quite enjoyable. the sun is out today and im off to work. Ill try and get a more comprehensive blog asap.

Good luck with your life.

1 comment:

Jessica MacKenzie said...

Hey Bro,
Glad you are enjoying your life dispite the difficulties, challenges, or whatever you choose to call the things that make you feel like complaining. And even though you might feel like you are complaining, we wouldn't even notice. See, your talking about your situtation is pure entertainment. There is jackshit we can do to help you so we can sit back and laugh at the situations. So, keep it coming. Let it rip. Share the worst of the worst. We love it.
And we love you. Be safe. Be aware.