Monday, March 3, 2008

Elections Alberta webpage issues

Althought the link appears to be working now, links 1 and link 4 in the post below are fluctuating between functioning and not.

1) If the links aren't working you can email your address and postal code to the email below and ask them to give you your riding and voting location;

2) You can use this 2004 map to get an idea of your riding (caution boundaries may have changed slightly);

3) Alternatively, check back later to see if the link is working, or check your local newspaper.

1 comment:

Jessica MacKenzie said...

Every once in a while I check your blog to see what you have to say. I'm either seeking a little bit of adventure, a story that takes me a away for a moment, or a good laugh. This time I am motivated to vote in Alberta. Good job. You've been successful.

Too bad I don't meet the criteria.

Keep writting!

Love you,