Monday, March 3, 2008

Elections Alberta webpage issues

Althought the link appears to be working now, links 1 and link 4 in the post below are fluctuating between functioning and not.

1) If the links aren't working you can email your address and postal code to the email below and ask them to give you your riding and voting location;

2) You can use this 2004 map to get an idea of your riding (caution boundaries may have changed slightly);

3) Alternatively, check back later to see if the link is working, or check your local newspaper.

Here is how you vote Alberta Provincial 2008

I'll not rant about the importance of voting.

If the Canadian school system combined with watching the amount of people that die around the world to vote doesn’t influence you to vote, I really don’t have much of a chance.

However if you’re contemplating voting, this page might make it a little easier which may in turn encourage you to vote.

Thanks, Luke

Voter eligibility ;

In order to be eligible to vote in an Alberta provincial election, a person must reside in the polling subdivision in which they seek to vote, and must:

  • be a Canadian citizen,
  • be at least eighteen years of age,
  • be ordinarily resident in Alberta for six months prior to Polling Day,

1) Find your electoral district by clicking here;

2) Find the candidates in your riding by clicking here;

3) Use the following two sites to get some potentially biased information on the candidates in your riding.

4) Find out where you vote here;

5) Go vote

6) Check out the results

If you have questions call the Voter information centre;

Voter Information Centre:

422-8683 or toll free outside Edmonton at 1-877-422-8683

8 am - 8 pm weekdays,9 am - 4 pm weekends, and8 am - 8 pm Voting Days